It is a reconstruction of the rest house complex “Nakcižibis” surrounded by pine forests. The name itself is the neighbourhood of protected ethnographic villages nearby. The concept was inspired by the context of pine forests and direct link with the water. The aim was to create a composition of compact volumes “scattered” among the pines. This is how “glowing” and “looking” at the water at night objects appeared – environmentally friendly volumes. Deliberately created the feeling of “dispersion” and “dissolving” in the natural environment. The “graphics” of tree trunks, the translucency, lightness and grace of the pine forest is created by “hanging” the house volumes above the water. Here wood is both a structural and decorative material.
By separating and dividing the volumes of holiday homes, the biggest wish was to create the necessary direct connection with the natural environment and privacy. Cozy outdoor space system was also designed. A pontoon bridge stretching into the lake is a tool to capture the dominant visual axis.
The architectural heritage of Dzūkija village. Main principles used – proportions, roof pitch angles, finishing materials. The aim is not the repetition, but a modern interpretation for humane scale design
Two “sensory” factors are interpreted and emphasized. These are the “verticals” of pines and the “horizontal” of the lake. The flickering of pine verticals inspired the creation of “catching” vertical proportions of window openings. Vertical, translucent wooden openwork of facades – in houses near the pond. The “horizontal” of water is the reflection of the lake in the windows of the main building. The repetitive and changing horizontal openwork of wood in the decoration of facades is like the flicker of the water surface. The roof covering of aspen chips is a reflection of the houses near the pond in the water itself (glass – water)
Local traditional and natural materials are used to decorate the buildings. . In order to preserve and present the local culture the dialectal name of the resort “Nakcižibis” is even preserved – hard to pronounce for foreigners but a real and dear sound to our ears… .. and in the evening it really shines (in Lithuanian the name means shining in the night) in the background of a dark forest